Pocket P.C. Development Updates

Just want to let everyone know that we are planning on sending out our next major update to our mailing list and post on our blog tomorrow. I’ll circle back with the blog post here once it goes live. We have a lot to share.

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The promised update is blowing in the wind again.

I’m sorry the update will be sent later than we both expected. We were waiting on a demonstration video to be edited by our video editor in NY by Friday night his time. We added some late additions to show the Keyboard RGB backlight in more detail. It is going to take a bit longer to finish the video. We are going to edit our update and split it in two so that the demonstration video will be sent a few days after our next update. Hope to finish it and send it out today or tomorrow the latest.

This photo shows the latest progress of Pocket P.C. In this photo, we are running a glmark2-egl-drm benchmark and we have an animation running on the keyboard. It is much more exciting to see in a video which we why we are waiting on it.

Again, my apologies for the late update.


I wasn’t on the discord until a couple of weeks ago but there’s something happening there almost every day.

Hello Everyone. I met with the factory yesterday. They have been quite busy catching up after the holidays and I didn’t get time to meet with them at their office until yesterday afternoon. We are waiting for the wireless certification house to give us their schedule and once they do I will send the next update.

If you missed our last update, you can find it here:

Latest update is out on out blog. We’re getting close!

What’s up with software development? The git repos haven’t seen an update in 4 months. I understand the hardware is slow to manufacture, but couldn’t software development happen in parallel? Or is there some other repo?


Any updates on production?

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If you guys provide an update on production and a rough number on how many LoRa units have shipped I will pre-order a LoRa unit.

This months of silence is not going to get anyone to pre-order.

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Hi All,

Our latest update can be seen here:

The previous update sent out in January can be seen here:

If you are not already subscribed to our newsletter, you may do so in the top left corner of that website. Also, if you use Discord or if you would like to give it a try, we usually post updates there first before we have had a chance to get it out via newsletter or our other social media channels.
You can join our discord by following the link in this thread:

The updates above have also been added to our blog today.

My apologies for the delay in getting updates to you. As you can read in our last update, we have been having some difficulties in Shenzhen due to the latest outbreak.

Our latest update can be found on our blog here:

How’s it going? Have they turned yall loose yet?

Missing updates are usually not “good sign”.

If there are not 5 min left to spend every month to inform the community/customers about what is going on then I highly doubt that a sustainable eco-system can be build.

@sourceparts, care to give us an update?

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Are there any updates? I waited for the whole year and can not even refund it. Seems like a scam.

Hi, sorry, but now we’re waiting for almost three years? And every time asked by the community for an update.
Now there should be options for optout and refund…

Any news?

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no news. nothing. Tried to contact with support team but they ignore all my messages.

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You might want to have a look at the latest blog post: The Future of Pocket P.C. - Popcorn Computer

It’s from August, but I wouldn’t write it off just yet.

It’s 2023. I am wondering if its time to discuss either delivery or refunds…


we really really really would like an update here.